Week 14 Report
Group 5 - Eric Kong, Ayush Kumar, Luna Yang
Week 14 report
This week, we consolidated and explored the design ideas we had, eliminating the ones that we did not like and combining some ideas.
We met with Mr. Trincal this week to discuss our ideas, our progress report, and our budget. Mr. Trincal has given us a list of items that Bacterioscan can provide us with, though he was unable to give us prices for every item at the moment.
The notes from the meeting are shown below:
He likes the idea with the foot pedal and we may want to explore that idea more. This way we can make the feeder plate more vertical and avoid misalignment and changing the size of the cuvettes and cartridges would not be an issue because of the vertical set up.
Using a CNC belt as part of an assembly line is plausible, more research needs to be done to determine whether the idea is feasible.
Some materials we plan on using to build the leak tester will be provided by Bacterioscan as specified in our proposed budget.
The valve currently has to be manually operated, making it less efficient and more prone to human error. We should explore the costs of an electric valve that can modulate the amount of air being supplied. Electronic one may be out of budget.
yEd Live editor is free and can be used to create images.
Instead of a detachable handle, just keep the handle on and use a motor so either way you can still use it.
We may want to divide our one problem into two smaller problems: one involving the clamping mechanism and one involving the distribution of cuvettes to the feeder plate.