Week 19 Report
Group 5 - Eric Kong, Ayush Kumar, Luna Yang
Week 19 report
After meeting with Mr. Trincal, we gain support on the design of the foot pedal system from him. According to the following design draft for the platform, we decided to 3D print the total base (blue) and the bar that holds the cuvettes (light orange). We decided to start with the cuvette bar because it’s important to fit the cuvette on the bar before we move on to other things. We already have a CAD design for the bar right now and we wanted to request for 3D printing, however, Professor Widder suggested us not to rely on 3D printing for testing parts. Therefore, we plan to go to Home Depot some time during weekend and choose the suitable material (wood or hard paper pad?) for build the parts.

According to the foot pedal design below, we also planned to use 3D printing to design the purple part, but we will also consider buying large hard paper pads from stores and cut different shapes in order for testing. Also, according to the design constraints, we feel like we have to change the mechanism of the foot pedal again: we decided to clamp the cuvette while stepping on the foot pedal and lift the clamp while releasing the pedal.