Week 5 Report
Group 5 - Eric Kong, Ayush Kumar, Luna Yang
Week 5 report
This week, we re-submitted the project scope on Monday, and we got the feedback on Wednesday. We decided to meet with Dr. Klaesner on this Friday, before we start to work on the preliminary report.
Lecture Material
On Monday’s lecture with Bryce Rutter we learned about designing the product to look/feel intuitive. This includes creating indentations and touch points so individuals know how to hold the product and where to put it. For our project, we may need to do this for designing the clamp for the pressure head on the cuvette. This will help users identify how to clamp it ergonomically
On Wednesday’s lecture we learned about patentability and ways to utilize aspects of a patent with licensing as well as identifying situations in which we may infringe a patent.
We met and discussed some of our ideas for how we could make the pressure tester more ergonomic. One idea we had was to make the tester automated. It would be able to help prevent workers from harming their wrists and, if implemented correctly, could be just as efficient, if not more so, than the current setup. We agreed that we should research more about how difficult/realistic it would be to program the tester to be automated. We have also agreed that we need to make the tester easy to disassemble so that it can fit both the 4-well and 8-well cuvettes.
Over the past week, Luna read some pressure tester documents with patents, and looked through some arduino projects online.