Week 6 Report
Group 5 - Eric Kong, Ayush Kumar, Luna Yang
Week 6 report
This week we focused on writing and editing the Preliminary report. As part of this, we met on Sep. 30th and Oct. 3rd to discuss how we wanted to distribute responsibilities.
In this week’s lectures, we learned about how the verification and validation procedures, and we learned the difference between verification and validation. Verification means that we want to make sure our design can pass the examination and the requirements listed in our specifications are met. Validation involves a confirmation that our design matches to our client’s needs. From lectures, we also learned the importance of keeping all our records during the entire year because when we move further into our project, it is important that we keep track of our research or ideas, so that we can easily refer back to the information we need. Also, we had a lecture about safety and risk analysis, which would help us in the future when we write the safety report about our product.
Also, we refine our records on the LabArchives by putting all the patents, articles, google search terms in the attached sheets in each section, and we will keep doing research on our design, and make an effort to keep track of our works.