Week 7 Report
Group 5 - Eric Kong, Ayush Kumar, Luna Yang
Week 7 report
In the past week, we mainly focused on preparing for the preliminary presentation, and we contacted our client, Mr. Trincal, to send him our preliminary report and presentation. We had previously tried to contact Mr. Trincal on October 2 and update him with a progress report and ask for feedback, but did not get response in time. We have once again emailed him and plan to meet either on the week of October 15 or the week of October 22.
We updated our LabArchive notebook with the research we’ve made regarding patents. We plan to continue doing research on various designs to determine what kind of approach we want to take in redesigning the customized leak tester. One of the main solutions we have been discussing is automation. In our research we have been looking at ways to measure if automation will be economically feasible for the company during the testing process. For example, the cost of implementing automation and if it really improves the testing time. We also agreed to begin thinking of how to design our system with CAD and to bring suggested designs to our next meeting.